Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Manmohan Singh should learn from Indira Gandhi: Anna Hazare.

Anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare has given his first interview to IBN18 Editor-in-Chief Rajdeep Sardesai.
Following is the transcript of the interview:
Rajdeep Sardesai: Has the saint of Ralegan become the country's hero?
Anna Hazare: I am a simple worker. It is not proper to call me a saint, otherwise people will just come to visit me and not do any work.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Did you ever imagine 5-6 months back that your fast at Jantar Mantar would have such a huge impact? You have been fasting since 1986. You have sat on 11 fasts. Did you ever think this fast would have such an impact?
Anna Hazare: I too sometimes think of this. Why did the country rally behind a Fakir like me. Perhaps it is God's wish that I have to do something good for this country, that he has created me.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Do you think you would have managed such a support had you done this agitation in Ralegan or in Mumbai?
Anna Hazare: This is true. Delhi is India's capital and the media helped in taking the agitation to every home in the country.
Rajdeep Sardesai: What is the biggest achievement of this agitation?
Anna Hazare: The biggest achievement of this agitation is the rise of the youth, because of their fervour it is now a matter of time before India gets rid of corruption.
Rajdeep Sardesai: But corruption cannot be eradicated by mere sloganeering. Corruption cannot be rid only by wearing Anna's cap.
Anna Hazare: This I have said earlier also. One does not become Anna by merely writing 'I am Anna' on the cap. To become Anna you have to have high morals, be ready to sacrifice, be prepared for humiliations and continue to burn like a lamp.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Will you agitate again if the standing committee does not accept your suggestions in the Jan Lokpal Bill?
Anna Hazare: Yes we will agitate, but this time not against parliament. We will identify parliamentarians in the standing committee who oppose the bill and sing bhajans in front of their houses and during elections go to their constituencies and prevail upon the voters not to vote for such people.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Does this mean you are slowly moving towards politics?
Anna Hazare: There is no politics in this. We are against corruption which is ruining this country and making the common man miserable. This is an effort to make the country a better place to live in.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Your opponents may say that if you insist on only your version of the Jan Lokpal Bill, it will amount to blackmail?
Anna Hazare: We are not saying accept our version of the Bill as it is. But we want a good Bill in the interest of the country.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Are you ready to accept suggestions from activists like Jayaprakash Narayan and Aruna Roy who too have their own versions of the Jan lokpal Bill.
Anna Hazare: Absolutely.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Are you ready to compromise on the Jan Lokpal Bill?
Anna Hazare: If there are good suggestions we will accept them.
Rajdeep Sardesai: So you are ready to talk to other activists.
Anna Hazare: Yes.
Rajdeep Sardesai: You are not insisting that only your version of the Bill is acceptable to you?
Anna Hazare: No. That will be like dictatorship.
Rajdeep Sardesai: This is not dictatorship?
Anna Hazare: No.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Will you campaign against corrupt politicians in next year's assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Punjab? Will you in some form connect your movement against corruption with elections?
Anna Hazare: Absolutely.Vidhan Sabha and Lok Sabha are sacred temples of democracy. Only sacred people should go to such places. If non sacred people go to such places it is a threat to democracy. Today so many parliamentarians are criminals. It is important to make people aware that they should not send such corrupt people to parliament.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Will you campaign against candidates who are corrupt and have a criminal record?
Anna Hazare: Absolutely.
Rajdeep Sardesai: So is this not politics?
Anna Hazare: How is this politics? It is our duty to make people aware if wrong-doers are elected.
Rajdeep Sardesai: But don't' you feel some political party will try to take advantage of this. Nitin Gadkari has said he is ready to support you if you go along with his party. LK Advani too is going on a yatra.
Anna Hazare: That will happen. This has happened many times in the past. When I protested during the Congress rule, BJP-Shiv Sena people tried getting close to me. Their government came to power and they went a step ahead of them. The cycle of agitations continued.
Rajdeep Sardesai: So you will not associate yourself with any political outfit.
Anna Hazare: Absolutely no.
Rajdeep Sardesai: You will not associate yourself with any political yatra like LK Advani's.
Anna Hazare: My point is if the BJP leaders say they are ready to support me then why don't they first bring the Lokayukta Bill in the states they are in power. They must first act in people's favour.
Rajdeep Sardesai: People think BJP is using you as a pawn against the Congress. Are you completely denying this allegation?
Anna Hazare: If Congress feels like this then why is it misleading us. Since the beginning of this agitation they have been lying. I was put in jail as part of a conspiracy.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Who do you think was behind this conspiracy? You had earlier taken Chidambaram's name. Do you think the PM was misled?
Anna Hazare: I think Manmohan Singh is not the only PM. There are many people who think they are the prime minister.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Do you think the PM was misled?
Anna Hazare: Who listens to the PM? He is remote controlled by many people.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Sonia Gandhi wanted you to join the drafting committee when you started the fast in April. Do you think Sonia Gandhi was also misled or do you think that she is a part of this conspiracy?
Anna Hazare: Whether it is Sonia Gandhi or Manmohan Singh, they feel they have to take such leaders along if they want to run the government. Indira Gandhi became Prime Minister not because of Congress workers, but because she worked for the poor.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Are you saying that Manmohan Singh should learn from Indira Gandhi?
Anna Hazare: Absolutely.
Rajdeep Sardesai: You are referred to as a Gandhian, but a few days back you said that the corrupt should be hanged. Gandhi never said that anybody should be hanged to death.
Anna Hazare: That is why I took those words back. But there should be life imprisonment for such corrupt people and the money they had appropriated should be seized form them.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Your movement has been accused of having a dubious source of funding, and authors like Arundhati Roy have also brought up this issue. Does this worry you?
Anna Hazare: This is no cause for worry for me. There is no question of black money in my movement against corruption
Rajdeep Sardesai: What will you do if you discover that black money is funding your movement?
Anna Hazare: If I get to know that black money is involved, I will back out of the movement. I will run this movement till there are no allegations against us. Those who make such charges are not always above suspicion themselves
Rajdeep Sardesai: Have you told your team members Arvind Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia to ensure that the funding for this movement is not from dubious sources, or from industrialists who are associated with black money?
Anna Hazare: I have warned my team mates. I have asked them to hire a Chartered Accountant to audit the finances of the movement April onwards. I have asked them to give me a copy and send one to all the core committee members as well.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Vilasrao Deshmukh, who was one of the negotiators during your August fast, has been named in the Adarsh scam. This gives an impression that you are negotiating with tainted ministers.
Anna Hazare: He was the Prime Minister's representative, I never called him. Vilasrao Deshmukh hasn't become any less tainted just by meeting me.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Do you really believe that India can have a political party comprising of non-corrupt people?
Anna Hazare: Absolutely. All parties have some non-corrupt leaders. If all those politicians come together, a good party can be formed.
Rajdeep Sardesai: You have said that you don't want to lead such a party, but will you encourage Arvind Kejriwal or Kiran Bedi to be part of one?
Anna Hazare: I don't want that. This party should have non-corrupt people with political knowledge and experience. If Arvind or Kiran become a part of such an outfit, people will level allegations against me.
Rajdeep Sardesai: There is an allegation that this is a middle-class movement and that the rural population isn't involved with the Anna movement. Do you believe this is true or is it just propaganda?
Anna Hazare: There are people who will always criticize. They have not seen the fact that we got a lot of support at the local level.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Some people who gave speeches at Ramlila Maidan were of questionable intent. Will you keep such people away from your movement?
Anna Hazare: Some people want to use me to gain political mileage, but I have never trusted them. People who are part of the movement should have a clean image and our funding should also be clean.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Medha Patkar, for example, has said that you should include the Dalits, Muslims and Adivasis in the movement. She says it's not enough to break your fast at the hands of a Dalit or a Muslim girl. Do you agree?
Anna Hazare: I agree with this. This is why we have decided to double the core committee's strength and include people from all communities.
Rajdeep Sardesai: So the core committee will not become like a political party?
Anna Hazare: Absolutely not.
Rajdeep Sardesai: So the core committee won't be limited to just 4-5 members?
Anna Hazare: Yes. During the fast we noticed that Hindus, Muslims and Christians participated equally. The communal divide is fuelled by politicians, and we want to unite everyone and move ahead.
Rajdeep Sardesai: The government has sent members of your team Breach of Privilege notices. Do you think this was fair?
Anna Hazare: Congress' intention is not right. They gave notices to Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwal, tomorrow they will also send me a notice.
Rajdeep Sardesai: You say that Parliament is supreme, then doesn't it have the right to send a Breach of Privilege notice?
Anna Hazare: We trust Parliament, but not these parliamentarians. So we will never go against Parliament.
Rajdeep Sardesai: But you will go against the very same Parliament if they don't pass the Jan Lokpal Bill?
Anna Hazare: We will sing bhajans in front of houses of Parliamentarians who oppose the Bill.
Rajdeep Sardesai: People have started to feel that all politicians are corrupt. Do you agree?
Anna Hazare: That's not true. All politicians are not corrupt. But the few corrupt ones have managed to defame the others.
Rajdeep Sardesai: When, at Ramlila Maidan, Kiran Bedi makes fun of politicians and Om Puri calls them 'illiterate and backward', do you think that is right? Won't people stop believing in democracy?
Anna Hazare: I keep telling people not to blame all politicians. I feel that all the non-corrupt leaders from BJP and Congress should come together and form a new outfit.
Rajdeep Sardesai: If non-corrupt people from all parties join hands to form an outfit, will you support them?
Anna Hazare: Absolutely, I will support them.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Will you lead such an outfit?
Anna Hazare: No, I will not lead them. But I will support them and I will tell people to vote for them.
Rajdeep Sardesai: So you are saying that you will support such a party that non-corrupt politicians form?
Anna Hazare: Absolutely, because that is the only solution left to save the nation.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Why don't you lead such a party?
Anna Hazare: No, I am a simple man.
Rajdeep Sardesai: But you are now a hero for many. If you lead such a party, people will be drawn to vote. You had earlier told me that you don't believe in elections, because you feel people only win after luring voters with money and alcohol. Have you changed your mind?
Anna Hazare: No, I'm not a hero. So many people support me, but I still sleep on the floor in the temple. I still live in an 8x10 room.
Rajdeep Sardesai: You say your next fight will be about electoral reforms. You talk about 'Right to Recall' and 'Right to Reject'. Do you think they are practical options?
Anna Hazare: Yes, they can be implemented. Our citizens have become aware now.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Is it practical to hold elections again and again?
Anna Hazare: Why not? Let it happen. If a small expense is going to save all the crores wasted in corruption, won't it benefit the nation?
Rajdeep Sardesai: If the government doesn't agree on these reforms, will you again go on a fast?
Anna Hazare: We are ready to discuss these issues with the government. I am going to write a letter to the Prime Minister and urge him to initiate a discussion on these reforms. If they are not interested, then we will protest again.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Some people consider these protests a form of blackmail. What would you say to them?
Anna Hazare: In 1950, Indian citizens became the rulers of our nation, and they have sent their servants to Parliament to implement beneficial laws. When Parliamentarians don't do their work, then their bosses, i.e. the citizens, have a right to pressurise them.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Activist Irom Sharmila has been on a fast for the last 12 years. Her supporters have invited you to Manipur. Do you want to be associated with that protest, or do you only want to focus on corruption?
Anna Hazare: Two of our representatives will go to Imphal, understand their issues, and then we will discuss it for sure.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Will you join other movements or only focus on corruption?
Anna Hazare: For the wellness of the society and the nation, we must support all the good movements happening around the country.
Rajdeep Sardesai: So you will go to Khairlanji if atrocities are committed on Dalits?
Anna Hazare: Yes, definitely.
Rajdeep Sardesai: If there are Hindu-Muslim riots, will you go there to help maintain peace?
Anna Hazare: Yes, absolutely. We will go.
Rajdeep Sardesai: In just 6 months you have become a national hero. Do you agree that your life has changed?
Anna Hazare: I don't agree with that. I don't like the word 'hero'. I am the same person who still lives in a temple. Till the time I live, I will remain the same. I do not need any security. Did Bhagat Singh, Rajguru ask for security? If they did, would we have gained independence. I have written a letter to the Home Minister saying I don't need security. Rajiv Gandhi and Indira Gandhi were given security, did they not die?
Rajdeep Sardesai: What about TV cameras?
Anna Hazare: That is why I told the media I won't talk to them. I don't want to become a hero. This fame is what creates ego.
Rajdeep Sardesai: Some people criticised you for going to a five star hospital instead of a government one. What will you say to them?
Anna Hazare: It doesn't matter to me. Those who want to point fingers, can keep doing so. If people at Medanta care for me and don't charge a penny, why shouldn't I go there?
Rajdeep Sardesai: What is your message for the people of Ralegan Siddhi? Some people still have to pay bribes for getting work done. What will you tell the common man who doesn't have the strength to fight a mighty government?
Anna Hazare: Yes, I know some people are forced to pay bribes. If they want to stop this, they have to come forward and join our movement. They have to be ready to take a beating, and also to go to jail.

Anna Hazare was a catalyst for what needed to be done.

Minister of state for communications and information techno-logy and twice-elected MP from Rajasthan, Sachin Pilot is amongst the Congress's Young Turks. Analysing the Jan Lokpal movement, the nation's mood and the path to reforms, Pilot spoke with Monobina Gupta on challenges the Congress faces: 

How has the Anna Hazare-led Jan Lokpal movement affected the Congress? 
This government has committed itself to implementing the Lokpal Bill and ensuring the institution of a strong Lokpal. As a nation and a democracy, we have been able to reach an understanding. Thousands of victorious people left the Ram-lila Ground, convinced that our Parliament would work towards ending corruption. 

Anna's taking up the issue and getting mass support resonated with the government, the party and Parliament. Rarely does a country with a democracy the size and scale of India take up an issue highlighted by an individual and his team. Rarely does it become a national issue, addressed in such forceful fashion within Constitutional and legislative propriety. Anna, no doubt, was a catalyst for what needed to be done. 

But could the Congress have handled events better? 
From early this year, we were in touch with Anna's team mem- bers and Anna himself. I think a lot of issues were not understood - particularly the timeline Team Anna had in mind. In a democracy, you cannot circumvent certain issues. Anna's team understood this later. Importantly, red tapism and corruption are two different issues. A single Lokpal Bill cannot eliminate all ills. Accountability and transparency are as necessary as e-governance and digitalisation of government services in making a paradigm shift in governance. 

What should the government's relationship with civil society and movements be? 
India is a country where protests, peaceful movements, divergent views have been the norm, rather than the exception. You need multiple voices - which is why our demo-cracy, riding out many problems, has flourished. It is the bureaucrats' job to draft Bills. But this time, we had civil society members as part of the drafting committee which included five ministers as well. Extraordinary circumstances demanded extraordinary measures. 

Government and civil society have always engaged with each other. They should do so more in the future. We welcome suggestions, particularly from grassroots people on improving governance. But the consultative process must also protect the sanctity of Parliament and its legislative prerogative. 

Has Indian democracy emerged stronger ? 
I certainly think so. The process of discussions, negotiations and talks made us more resilient. What could be better than a jubilant people conveying their sentiments to Parliament? It's a great lesson learnt. 

Alongside politics, there are perceptions the Congress is going slow on economic reforms. Your view? 
We require a guarded approach on how quickly and what areas to reform. A lot has been gained from the last two decades of reforms. At the same time, our cautious policies shielded us against global economic meltdown. Reforms are important - but we also must be mindful of tens of millions of people who need the government to reach out to them. Reforms do not mean giving up your constitutional obligation towards the poor. Social welfare and reforms should go hand in hand. 

Those on the socio-economic fringes need support. The Congress needs to focus on them. At the same time, we have to also look after aspiring India - which wants more liberalisation.

Anna’s take on politics simple, simplistic.

Anna Hazare reflects what a majority of Indians feel. He dislikes politicians. He hates corruption. He wants the country to change. And, yes, he thinks Prime Minister Manmohan Singh lacks authority and hardly anybody in the Congress or the government listens to him.

His understanding of things is uncomplicated, an extension of the man himself. Given a chance he would purge all Vidhan Sabhas and Lok Sabha of all corrupt elements. He would not mind throwing his lot behind a political outfit which does not carry the corruption taint. He would even support a political party formed out of honest people from all parties.

“Yes, I will support them, but I will not be a part of the leadership of that party. This is the only way we can save this country,” he said in an interview to the CNN-IBN television channel today.

Girls Simran (2nd L) and Ikra offer coconut water and honey to veteran Indian social activist Anna Hazare (C) after he ended his fast at Ramlila grounds in New Delhi on 28 August 2011. Adnan Abidi/Reuters
The honest intents of the man, who recently led the country’s biggest non-political anti-corruption movement and demolished the big ego of the political class rather ruthlessly, were never in doubt. He personified the collective disgust against corruption and frustration at the politicians. His simplicity was his biggest asset then – it made him an instant hero.

The simplicity is intact. As is the simplistic approach to gargantuan issues. That is a problem. It won’t take him or the country far.

Anna plans to ask people in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Punjab, states going to election shortly, not to vote for corrupt contestants.

“Vidhan Sabha and Lok Sabha are sacred bodies and only sacred people should go in it. If corrupt people go then it is a threat to the democracy. That is why people have to be woken up and have to be told that they should not vote for the corrupt,” he said.

On the face of it, it is a good idea but in the end impracticable. The obvious questions follow: How do you identify who is corrupt? Who gives you the right to brand someone corrupt? The identification could be based on loose popular perception, which won’t stand legal scrutiny. A campaign of this kind could end up creating more problems than solutions and damaging Anna’s reputation.

The Gandhian holds late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in great esteem. “There was Indira Gandhi who worked for the poor in the country; she was elected as the prime minister. They should look at that,” he said.

The late prime minister was a competent leader but her reputation at tackling corruption certainly left a lot to be desired. That she had to face the Sampoorna Kranti movement of the late Jayaprakash Narayan—a movement similar to that of Anna himself—is testimony to her great failure on this front. Corruption was the dominant theme of that movement too.

The Gandhian wants to remain an outsider in the political process. “If the good people of all parties can come together and I will tell the people of the country to support them, but I will not be a part of the leadership of that party…I don’t have the capacity. I am an ordinary man,” he said.

Such an approach smacks of escapism – a reflection of the popular attitude towards politics. People who criticise the political class for its many failures are reluctant to take up the challenge themselves. Anna, with his popularity, could form a party and participate in elections easily. Admitted, he is not a career politician but the country needs honest men to be at the forefront, in the leadership role.

What Anna does from now on is important. He could stretch himself thin through targeting individuals. The yields from the effort would be insignificant. A much better idea would be if he focuses solely on electoral reforms which stops dubious characters from entering politics.

Anna Hazare trashes 'politics rumour'.

Anna Hazare spoke exclusively to TIMES NOW on Tuesday (September 13) and puts an end to all speculation of him joining politics says such rumours are part of a conspiracy against Team Anna. 

Arnab Goswami : Anna Hazare is speaking to TIMES NOW for the first time after his fast over the Jan Lokpal Bill. Anna Hazareji, thank you very much for speaking with us. 

Anna Hazare : Thank you. 

Arnab Goswami : There have been reports that you will support some political party and fight elections. In response Congress has said that Anna Hazare's movement should not be political one. Please clarify if you contest elections? 

Anna Hazare : We don't attach ourselves with any political party. No political party has a clean image. But, some political parties have got some good candidates. Political parties cannot avoid someone and go ahead. Likeminded politicians should form a separate party and only then the country can be saved. Otherwise, this country today has not good future. We support only the likeminded people, those who are patriotic and understanding. People can be from many parties. 

Arnab Goswami : Are you saying that there will be a new political party? 

Anna Hazare : In any political party, good leaders are very few. Likeminded, clean leaders from all the parties should come out and save this country. We will support such leaders. 

Arnab Goswami : But, likeminded leaders should form a party and not group. 

Anna Hazare : It is up to such leaders whether they form a party of group. Whatever they have to do should be within the governing principles and rules and regulations. All should save this country from danger. But, I doubt it will happen. People who are involved in this movement will identify MPs, ministers who are opposing good things and will do bhajans, dharnas before their residences. The effect of this would be very great. We should not send the politicians who oppose the Jan Lokpal Bill to the Lok Sabha again. 

Arnab Goswami : How will a new political party be formed? When you started all this, your aim was Jan Lokpal Bill. Now, you are going ahead and now saying that political party should be formed. So, people are saying whether politics is the basis of all this. You critics say that politics is the basis of all this anti-corruption movement started by Anna Hazare. How has your stand changed? Have the demands changed? 

Anna Hazare : We are presenting the situation before the people and giving an example. Our entire and only focus is on the Jan Lokpal Bill. At present, we do not have time for any other activity except Jan Lokpal Bill. We are giving an example before the people as to how we can change this country and save it. Good leaders from various parties and groups should also think in such a way and then only the country can be saved. I am not going to think on these terms. What should be done and how it should be done is left for those leaders. We have the issue of Jan Lokpal Bill before us. Till the time Jan Lokpal Bill is formed, this agitation will continue. 

Arnab Goswami : Will this new political party fight the state elections, national elections or local elections? Who will be the leader of this new party? If you are suggesting such an idea, you will have to do this. 

Anna Hazare : No. I won't go into all this. I have presented it before the general public because I have got such an idea. I have also presented the same thing before such good leaders. They will think as to what should be done on this. I don't have experience on this issue. But, I can foresee that only if such thing happens, this nation can be saved. 

Arnab Goswami : Will you or your team have a role in this political party? 

Anna Hazare : No. We won't have a role in this. 

Arnab Goswami : How will the new party be financed? Who will provide the resources? 

Anna Hazare : Likeminded people should think about it and find out what to do and how to do. I have only presented an idea that I have got. But, I find only this idea if one wants to save the nation from dangers. 

Arnab Goswami : Annaji, until now this movement has been social, and people's movement. And, if political meaning, political purpose come out of this movement, general public will see something else in all this. People will say this anti-corruption movement has become a political movement. 

Anna Hazare : I have given this idea to the good leaders of various parties. We won’t enter into this. We will concentrate on Jan Lokpal Bill now and if a strong bill comes out of this, we will think about other good things. 

Arnab Goswami : You will support such party. 

Anna Hazare : Yes. We will support them. 

Arnab Goswami : Doesn't it mean that you also entered politics indirectly? 

Anna Hazare : No. No. Now, we are supporting good people. Our support will be the same then also. 

Arnab Goswami : Will it be one party, many parties or new parties? 

Anna Hazare : It could be. It may also happen that many parties can combine into one new party. This is the only way if you want to save the country. Now, we are going in our way - Jan Lokpal Bill, changes in Election system. We have presented this suggestion before good people. Such people can give a bright future to this nation. 

Arnab Goswami : You also said you will undertake another agitation and that is on Electoral reforms. How will it be done? Will you sit on another fast for this? Have you thought about it? You pressurized this government twice with your fast. Are you ready to go on fast for Electoral reforms? 

Anna Hazare : The present system is that on these electronic voting machines it is written from which place it has come. At the time of counting of votes, all the contestants go to that place and see from which place how many votes they have got. If the candidates come to know that from particular villages if they have got less votes they will take revenge on those villages. This system should be changed. We have written to the Election Commission, the Government of India to change the system but nothing has been done on this. This is one. Another one is right to reject. If voter says he does not like any candidate in the list, last symbol should be 'no selection'. Voter can put his mark on that if he does not like any one. If majority of votes are on 'no selection' there will be no result of the election. Such election stands cancelled. Contesting candidates spend crores of rupees to fight elections. If they lose after spending money, they will get a lesson. This we want to achieve. 

Arnab Goswami : Do you think the leaders who are corrupt tainted should fight elections? Should they participate in political activities? What should be their role? 

Anna Hazare : Now, rules are not that strong enough to punish corrupt people. Everyone knows corrupt people have entered Parliament. System should be changed. Changes should be brought into the system. Parliament is a sacred place. To this sacred place, corrupt and unholy people have been entering. What will happen if such things happen? We are thinking about this. If all the MPs have given such corrupt and tainted people their support, who am I stop them? 

Arnab Goswami : What do you have to say about Vilasrao Deshmukh? There are charges against Vilasrao in the Adarsh issue. Court has also uttered something against him. There are allegations against him. But still you have entered into a negotiation with him. 

Anna Hazare : I have not talked anything. I have not invited him to talk with me. The Prime Minister has sent him as his representative. I had to talk with him because he has been sent. 

Arnab Goswami : Has any political party tried to talk with you after this recent fast? Has any big politician tried to talk with you? 

Anna Hazare : About which issue. 

Arnab Goswami : Has it happened that any leader tried to talk with you so that you don't say anything against them? They will try to be in touch with you. 

Anna Hazare : Till now, no leaders came to me and nobody will come in the future also. We are fighting against corruption, and even there are good leaders in the ruling class and Opposition but because of corrupt people the political parties, leaders won’t come to me. Everybody knows that I am fighting against corruption for 20 years, so leaders won't come to me. 

Arnab Goswami : There is news that Anna Hazare’s thought and judgement can be controlled by people like Arvind, Kiran Bedi and Prashant Bhushan? What is your view? 

Anna Hazare : Such people are ignorant I think so. If you look the world through the colour of eyeglasses, then you can only see through that colour only. I have been doing this movement for 20 years. Six ministers resigned, 400 officers resigned, 7 laws were made and these all are not made with any support. My hair has gone white not because of sunshine but with experience. Whole life I have followed my experience. Why I want to hear somebody? I have all the experience. 

Arnab Goswami : You have this team - Kiran Bedi, Shanti Bhushan, Prashant Bhushan, Arvind Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia, etc. Will these people be with you when you proceed further for the other agitations, movements in the future? 

Anna Hazare : They will definitely be with me. If the people are not corrupt, they will always be associated with me. The day I have any proof against them as to they were involved in corruption, either I won’t be with them or they won’t be with me. They won’t go far from me if they are clean and clear. 

Arnab Goswami : What do you have to say about Swami Agnivesh? Many people say he is working in favour of the Government irrespective of him being in your team. 

Anna Hazare : I have talked with him twice. I said if he had to say anything to Government, he should first talk with our own committee members. But, he didn’t talk with our own members and directly met ministers and gave assurances. This is not correct. After we take any decision over anything we will first call for a meeting of the committee members, and in the meeting we will decide whether it should be done or not. We have seen this shortcoming on him. So, we have decided that till the time he corrects himself, he won’t be associating us. We will see what to do if he changes himself. 

Arnab Goswami : People say Baba Ramdev supports Anna Hazare and Anna Hazare supports Baba Ramdev. People say Anna does not speak anything against Ramdev even if there are allegations against him. There are allegations against Ramdev recently. 

Anna Hazare : If there are allegations against him, there is law. There will be enquiry against him according to the law. If there is any punishment, it would be given as per the law. But, one thing is clear. Baba Ramdev is fighting against corruption. We are fighting against corruption. We have decided that in this anti-corruption movement, we will support him and he will support us. It is decided that we both won’t occupy same stage. 

Arnab Goswami : Why like that, Annaji? 

Anna Hazare : They can look after over other things if there is a problem. But, on the issue of corruption we have to come together and fight it out. Corruption should be removed from this country. If there is any problem with rules and other laws, they will look over it. We won’t involve in it. 

Arnab Goswami : How do you manage that only clean image people are around you because many kinds of people want to support you? How do you manage all this? 

Anna Hazare : Retired judges of Supreme Court told that they have to give the rest of their life for this activity. Army colonels are all coming forward. Good people are coming forward. We have decided that we will keep a restraint over the people who are willing to join us. We are not taking in people as and when they show interest. Our people will check their background, their work, their sincerity and their patriotism. They will be associating us after all these things. We have not kept a political board where all are invited irrespective of their criminal background. The people will brought into our system only after such background check. 

Arnab Goswami : Have anyone in your team have political ambitions? Do you wish for any direct or indirect political role? Such reports are coming in. Politicians have commented over this today. They are saying it would have been better had Anna Hazare kept himself aloof from politics. Do you want to say anything over this? 

Anna Hazare : We won’t enter politics. I do not want to go into all this mess. If I become MLA, MP or minister, I cannot do what all I have been doing from outside. I won’t be allowed to do what I have been doing from outside. That is the reason why I have been outside and forming a pressure group. 

Arnab Goswami : But, why is it said that either Anna Hazare or his team members have political ambitions? Why is it said that Anna Hazare should slowly come to politics? 

Anna Hazare : The reason for this is that some people want to disturb this movement. That is the reason whey such talk is coming out. They want to deviate the general public from the issue. But, people know very well. General public won’t come into this trap. People have known what is right and what is wrong. There is a conspiracy to malign this movement. They have their own means and ways. They will try to detach the people associated with his agitation. They won’t get any success in this. General public understands what is right. 

Arnab Goswami : Do you think there is a conspiracy going on against you - that you want to see the downfall of this government, and you want to uplift someone? 

Anna Hazare : Even after 64 years of independence, India has been like a big mountain. There is heavy debt on our country. Who is responsible for this? 
Corrupt people are responsible for this. Because of corruption, there is price rise. Why should we send such corrupt people to the Parliament? for ruining this country? We always think for society and nation. We don’t have any interest for any party, group. People have known all this and now the task has become easy. We have the confidence that we can do god for this nation. 

Arnab Goswami : LK Advani is going on yatra against corruption. Do you give issue based support to him? 

Anna Hazare : No. We won’t support it. If LK Advani thinks that he is undertaking rath yatra to fight against corruption, why doesn’t he support us openly? Why doesn’t he openly fight for Jan Lokpal Bill in the Parliament? If you want to remove corruption, then do this. Why don’t you appoint a Lokayukta in the states where you have governance? Lokayukta will try to remove corruption to some extent. 

Arnab Goswami : In Gujarat also there is no Lokayukta. Many people say Anna Hazare is soft on Narendra Modi and that is why you don’t criticise him. 

Anna Hazare : I ask those people - why should Anna Hazare do all the things? Why don’t people become Anna Hazare? Why don’t you become Anna Hazare and do this work? I have no money, no property and no power. Why is there is expectation for anything from Anna Hazare. I ask such people, why don’t you become Anna Hazare? 

Arnab Goswami : Narendra Modi has also not appointed Lokayukta. 7 years have passed by. Opposition says Anna Hazare has gone to his house when he went to Ahmedabad. 

Anna Hazare : It is wrong. They are trying to malign me. I don’t know he resides. Why will I go to his house? I don’t have anything to ask for. I don’t have to take advantage of any party. There is no need for me to go to anyone’s house. It is a conspiracy against me. 

Arnab Goswami : Anna Hazareji, there is not 100 per cent guarantee that Jan Lokpal Bill will be passed in the Parliament. There is a sense of the House but it is not binding. What will you do if this Bill is not passed even in the next session of the Parliament? Have you thought about? Is there any deadline for it? 

Anna Hazare : We have thought about. If anyone in the Standing Committee or any MP in the Parliament opposes it, people will go to MPs’ houses and protest and agitate over it. Will protest outside the houses of all the MPs who will oppose the Lokpal Bill. 2nd we'll request the citizens not to re-elect such people in the next election. What is the need of such people who do not want to fight corruption? 

Arnab Goswami : How long are you ready to wait for the Jan Lokpal Bill? 

Anna Hazare : Now that we have democracy we will wait till the next election and then teach each one of them lesson. 

Arnab Goswami : How? 

Anna Hazare : Whoever has opposed the Bill will be taught a lesson then. 

Arnab Goswami : In Manipur Irom Sharmila has been fasting for more than a decade. After your fast forced the Govt to debate the Lokpal issue, people have been saying how Irom Sharmila has been ignored by the Govt. So why don't you go and support Irom Sharmila? 

Anna Hazare : We have taken a decision on this. Two of our people are going there and enquiring the matter to find out what is the intention behind it, whether it is right or wrong. After the report comes to us our committee will decide. 

Arnab Goswami : But you? 

Anna Hazare : We'll think about that after the report comes. 

Arnab Goswami : You are saying that a new political party should be made. Are you saying that a third Front, besides Congress and BJP, should be supported? Because many small parties will get together and says, don't support Congress and BJP, support us. 

Anna Hazare : This is an idea that I have put in front of the people and all the parties. Many ideas and paths will come out from this and the discussion will proceed, that is fine. I have put forward whatever I feel in front of the parties. I will not lead them but I just gave an idea that i had. They'll decide whether to follow it or not. 

Arnab Goswami : Is there no leader or party in the present who you think is right for leading the country? 

Anna Hazare : There are leaders but no party. It is up to such leaders to decide how to save the country. There is no party at present who can save the country and give it a bright future. 

Arnab Goswami : Would you like to name a particular person who you think is an ideal leader? 

Anna Hazare : There is. Everybody knows it. Why should I name anybody? If I name one, others will immediately come and start questioning. 

Arnab Goswami : When the fast was going on, how were you getting news of people fasting everywhere, joining your movement, and wearing the 'I am Anna' cap? How were you getting the feedback and how were you feeling? 

Anna Hazare : I did not try to find out anything. I only know about the people who were sitting in front of me. Some people came and told me about it but I was not aware of the happenings in the entire country, nor did I want to find out. The lakhs of people standing in front of me inspired me and based on that I continued by revolt.

Anna Hazare Interview