Thursday, September 1, 2011

Common complaints and public ombudsman

Common complaint, for instance if he is in office, and ration cards are built and are asked for a bribe, it is not income tax refund, poor women are denied the widow pension, it is asked for a bribe . Many people say that such complaints were brought to the Ombudsman so that millions will make complaints to the Ombudsman and the Ombudsman shall be the whole system collapsing. 

हमारा ये मानना है कि ये बाते बिल्कुल गलत हैं क्योंकि हमने जो व्यवस्था लोकपाल कानून के अन्दर की है वो ये है कि पहले उस विभाग का एक अधिकारी काम करेगा अगर वो काम नहीं करता तो वो शिकायत हैड ऑफ द डिपार्टमेण्ट के पास जाएगी। वो भी काम नहीं करता तो लोकपाल के विजिलेंस अफसर के पास ये पावर होगी कि वो इन दोनों अफसरों की तन्ख्वाह काटे और वो आपको मुआवज़े के रूप में दे और इनके खिलाफ भ्रष्टाचार का मुकदमा दायर करें।

The day - by - day operational be accountability will improve the entire system. 4, 5, 6, 10 new officers so that public complaints can be settled quickly. 

With millions of people who will not join the movement. The day that the public is that those abuses have sought to bribe him hear. Prevention is the mass of the Ombudsman in the bill. So we think that if millions of people that for the thousands of complaints that the government should then have to appoint officers. He now can not be sidelined. You must tell the public what the public's complaints may be brought or not brought under the purview of Lok Pal.

Some people say that the Ombudsman only large - to large cases, 2 - spectrum to examine, to check the Commonwealth Games, to the general ration water, not to speak of, the Panchayats are not talking about corruption If you're in the street in front of the house, not to speak of corruption. What do you want? What do you want ombudsman? Do you want the Ombudsman? Or do you want ombudsman is small or big corruption is corruption, corruption of all of the talk. He says that if all these people's ombudsman to the corruption of others who will be the system collapsing, we do not think so. We have Kailkuleshn about it and we start to believe that if they need, much more Apfsron Apfsron deployed in the Ombudsman against corruption should be punished severely. Two - three years you will see that it will reduce corruption. And then you need less people in the Public Ombudsman. Cases of corruption will be deleted on low.

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