Showing posts with label judiciary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label judiciary. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Judiciary and the Public Ombudsman

Check corruption in judiciary
Corruption in our country's justice system has reached a peak, the day we read in the newspapers that a certain - certain allegations of corruption against the judge, but unfortunately in our entire system of judges to check corruption for their trial and there is no free agency. Mass of corruption against judges of the ombudsman bill is written. 

The present system of judicial corruption control 
According to the current system if you want to file a FIR against the corruption of a judge, then we have to seek permission from the Chief Justice of the Indian. लेकिन जनलोकपाल कानून में लिखा है कि अब चीफ जस्टिस ऑफ इण्डिया से इजाज़त नहीं लेनी होगी, क्योंकि अभी तक का इतिहास यह बताता है कि जब-जब चीफ जस्टिस ऑफ इण्डिया से इजाज़त मांगी गई, तब-तब उन्होंने भ्रष्ट जजों के खिलाफ इजाज़त देने से declined. 

Many people believe that it filed an FIR against corrupt judges did not give power to the Ombudsman. He believes that today is the system that the Chief Justice of the Indian to file case against the corrupt judges give permission, to carry on the system. But the question is whether these systems? This is to limit corruption in the justice system? Or is this corruption?

After Jnlokpal law
Allow a judge to investigate and found guilty of corruption against his seven-member bench of Ombudsman will be allowed to proceed.जनलोकपाल बिल में सुझाव दिया है कि भ्रष्ट जज के खिलाफ एफ.आई.आर दर्ज करने के पहले देश के मुख्य न्यायधीश की जगह लोकपाल के सात सदस्यों (जिसमें कानूनी पृष्ठभूमि के लोग बहुतायत में हों), की बैंच इस बारे में निर्णय लें और खुले The hearing will be in the whole world to know it was right or wrong given that permission.

Confusion about the judiciary 
Drafting Committee in the crucial issue of corruption in the justice system began, the media has been printed so that the top judge in the place - the system will be brought to the Ombudsman. This creates an illusion that would have threatened the independence of justice system.

Strict action against corrupt judges and to mark the image of our justice system and increase its independence. If their names were withheld so filthy dirty the pond fish will like. 
The third meeting of the committee drafting the bill the United Ombudsman, Mr P. Chidambaram said that the former judge Jnlokpal bill are against the measure. The reference Venktchelaya Justice and Justice JS Verma was on. 

Venktchelaya Justice himself has felt himself paid the wrong process.They were judge for yourself if the Prdn Justice Ajit Sen Gupta, Shri P. Chidambaram against him FIR he had not sought permission to enter. FIR against him despite the evidence Was not allowed to enter. That is now expected that the system of public justice of today - has always given protection to corruption in the system, change it all together.

The country now stands at a historical turning point. On the one hand around the corruption, poses a threat to the survival of India, on the other public organizations and the movement has contributed to a new ray of hope. Corruption in the justice system in the historic occasion will be leaving the country will never forgive us.

Justice Venkata Chelaya a judicial reform bill is drafted and they want justice - a system of corruption to get things under that law. His idea is very good. Created by the draft bill has not yet public. There's just so much work on it. 

Some people have said that the Ombudsman in the realm of justice - to bring order to the corruption of their workload will increase manifold. It is misleading to people in the country's Supreme Court and High Court judge over 1,000 total. Prdn a retired judge, had once said that nearly 20 percent higher in the justice system is corrupt judge. Even if it is assumed that all complaints will come together nearly 200 complaints against the coach.So little work is not going to collapse from the ombudsman system. 

Some people also think that the judges judge the situation. Therefore, the right to make decisions about their corruption should be given to judges.It's just wrong. If a judge takes a bribe or do not understand what it is obvious that. Taking bribes is wrong. We avoid such arguments.

Anna Hazare Interview